The World at Large

  The descending sun spooks me, As it reminds me of impending doom. The fate of the world hanging on  the joker wearing the crown. A game of deceit and endless conspiracies, Rigged to make the hidden emerge strong. ‘Come one come all’ The sign bellows. Not one peasant decided to enjoy the menu. They are sinking to fall in their own broken ship. All towing to head into the dark abyss. We enjoy playing the game when it is, Someone else who’s head will twirl if they miss. But when the trigger loads and the target is us. When the bullet wants to grab hold on us. We run so far, without a hitch. We run to never stop to check. What happened to those who tried to save us? What happened to the joker who longs for love? What happened to the magician, is he still sick? The old man, next door, did he get his tip? The world of our species amuses me. To see the world move by so cheap. The moon is now out. It winks at me. The stars shining bright following me. The world beyond our species, Fascinates

She is different

You will never come across another girl like her. She is different. She battles her demons all night long and battles her reality all day long. She is a warrior, a girl born with a suit of armour built-in to protect her. Her words are like fire, they will engulf you in pain and her mind is a labyrinth of mayhem. She fights till her last breath for the one's she cares for but her reality remains lonely, with nobody to really trust . She is not a damsel in distress and will never be one, she doesn't need saving from the beasts that circle her. You may think she has a heart of stone but beneath all this chivalry there is a tender being, a caged spirit of kindness, her Achilles heel. The one weakness she will never show for her heart is not of stone but of gold. An angel or a demon whatever she may be, she is different and not like any other girl you will see. She is a catch, the treasure of a lifetime, so if you ever come across her let her know she is special, if you ever see her breaking hold her until she is back together, give her the light she never had and let her know that you really care. Let her know you are ready to withstand the bloodbath ahead of you. And maybe at least then her cage will unleash and she will let herself feel and believe that not all hope in this world is lost and maybe being loved  isn't as stupid as she thought...
- Mahathi.S


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